It can be hard to start investing when you feel completely uncertain about the process.
Something seemingly as simple as opening or funding your 401k at work may seem like an overwhelming process.
Or maybe you are interested in an IRA, 529 or buying individual stocks but are stuck on the process.
Do I have enough to invest? Where do I start? Will I lose all my money?
The process is scary!
During this call we will audit your current investment types, the platforms you are using and the ones you are interested in using to ensure proper set up.
Plus you can ask all of the questions you may have been afraid of asking.
But Investing is So Confusing!
I'm here to tell you that investing does NOT have to be confusing and you too can take the next step to be come an active investor. Investing allows your money to grow faster than saving and is essential to building wealth for you and future generations. But many people don't take part is this key strategy because they just don't know where to begin and don't have any one to go to for help. Well, here I am to help! Ask me all of your questions you've been to afraid to ask so you can get on track immediately!
Investor Helper - $47
This 30-minute judgement free call is designed for the person who needs to ask questions about setting up their 401k/403b, IRA or taxable accounts (Betterment, Robinhood, M1 Finance, etc.).
While we won't go over which stocks to buy, you will have an opportunity to ask all the questions about your current setup or potential setup that you've been stuck on.
Even if you've never invested before because you've been afraid, this call is perfect to help ask all the questions to diminish your fears.
Hi, I’m Kamilah aka "The Focused Spender"
As a non-profit financial professional, I manage multi-million dollar budgets on a daily basis. I use the same strategies I've learned to ensure the financial viability and health of organizations to manage my money and to reorganize the finances of my clients.
My motto is treat yourself like a business!
If you follow me on YouTube, you know that I was able to get rid of $65,000 in student loans in just three years and built my net worth to multiple six figures, ALL BEFORE earning a six figure salary. So I understand how to do a lot with a little.
I am passionate about helping people develop strategies to stop living paycheck to paycheck, pay off debt and maximize their savings and investments.
Let me help you reach your financial goals and create the life you never thought possible but totally deserve!
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I haven't started investing yet?
That's fine! This call is also for those folks who want to start investing but are not sure where exactly to start.
Will you help me picks stocks during our call?
No, I will not tell you which stocks, bonds, mutual funds or ETFs to purchase. I will help you think through the types of investment accounts you should have, platforms that might be good for you and how much you can afford to invest.
What should I bring to the call?
Please bring information about all of your investment accounts that you would like to discuss.
How do I schedule my appointment?
Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.
Other Coaching Services
Need a longer session, or multiple sessions to talk about more than your investments. If you are struggling with debt, low savings or living paycheck to pay check, click on the link below to learn more about my planning and accountability calls!